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For the Sovereigns League, this is an opportunity to set foot in the western part of Altirus. In addition, the Syrvanian border with Lusivakia is of strategic interest. It was the straw that broke the camel's back for the Chergarian Empire, already annoyed by the fall of the Monarchy. However, the democratic system was quite slow and began to bore the Syrian people.īut the newly formed government was very close to the Commonweatlh. However, the impact of this change of government remained imperceptible in the most isolated regions (that is to say, the whole country with the exception of the capital, Pansk).

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The country was modernized and new firms, like BN Motros and Aerodomy, appeared. Thus, the years passed and the assembly carried out many reforms, most of them focused on infrastructures.

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However, the aristocracy is hated by the Syrvanian people and their only support is Chergaria, far to the East, who secretly sent supplies to help with a possible revolution, which never happened. Of course, most nobles do not appreciate this turnaround and a resistance front is formed under the leadership of Duchess Arynna Urczek. The crown on the flag, a strong symbol, is removed. The Syrvanian king, Fredorik II, seeing the things moving arround him, decided to abdicate and to make itself Head Chancellor of the newly formed Syrvanian Republic. Notably Elandris, a new Bueracratic Republic, became the great counterpart to Bressia's in a rivalry control over the sea's of the world. During the following decades, almost all the nations in the western part of Altirus had switch their way of governing and adopted similar regimes or republics. The formation of the Republic and its fall Īt the middle of the 5th century, Syrvania's largest neighbor, Akrovia, proclaimed a "democratic" regime known as the Akrovian Republic after a revolution that spilled the old monarchy. This scheme will hold the government during the next 400 years and stay neutral in most of the foreign conflicts (such as the Third Spat). The Kingdom of Syrvania was proclamed almost two centuries later, in 211. Near the end of the last century before the collapse of the Craenate Empire, rekindled expansionism under Emperor Kragen the Sunderer combined with waning influence of the Empire allowed Syrvania to expand further outward.

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However, in keeping with traditionnal Syrvanian social structure, control of lands was given to families rather than individuals. The Kingdom of Syrvania drew inspiration from the feudalist system that existed in the region under Craenate rule. Craenate incursions over the Vozst persisted for the better part of a century, until the Empire's adoption of a non-expansionist doctrine with The Decree of Vanterhaal. This coalition succeeded in conquering and holding all regions up to the Vozst river, marking the border of the futur Syrvanian Kingdom. At this time, the tribes who lived in the western region of the present country decided to form an alliance against the Craenate Empire, which occupied the most important part of the lands east of the Pordski mountains. The first outburst of Syrvania in the Altirus history was during the Craenate period, arround -200. The rest of the population lives in small tows scattered throughout the country, mainly in its eastern region, and not to far from the Vozst river, that allow agriculture, the biggest sector in the Syrvanian small economy. This region is also a important production era for the agriculture, thanks to the river which crosses it from the Lusivakian border to the Kartasian sea. Almost all the infrastructures are located east of it, in the capital, Pansk, and in its surroundings. The country is divided in two parts by the Pordski mountains. Syrvania is delimited by Lusivakia in the North-west, Ethosera in the North-east, Hetland in the South-east and the Kartasian sea in the South-west. 2.4 The Domination era of Syrvania under the Dictatorship.2.2 The formation of the Republic and its fall.

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